CP Healthcare wants to make sure you have the proper guidelines and contact information you need to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. We want you staying safe during this time.
From a global standpoint, click HERE.
Since CP Healthcare is based in Georgia, please click HERE for statewide information.
For information from around the United State, please click HERE.
As a reminder, CP Healthcare is here to help you safely find and continue treatment if you are healthy. Our nationwide network is ready to serve you!
As an important reminder, stay at home as the next few weeks are critical to ending the spread of this virus. If we all can do our part, this should peak around mid to late April so we can return to normal activities by May.
Make your trips and interaction out of necessity only. If you’ve been injured and need treatment or imaging, we are happy to help. Independent imaging centers, such as CP Healthcare’s network, are ideal locations to schedule. Our network is located outside hospital campuses and away from urgent care centers. Each one has available times that fit with you in a smaller environment. With over 100 locations in Georgia alone, we can help you while practicing essential needs and social distancing.
Stay safe and well!
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